HomeBioGas Marketing Portal

HomeBiogas Marketing Portal

This is the place were you can find all the basic marketing elements to help you create, develop, and implement outstanding marketing initiatives that empower your businesses.

Israel testimonial

Conversación con Israel, profesor y agrónomo (ESP)

Ezequiel testimonial

Testimonio del Agricultor Ezequiel (ESP)

Oscar testimonial

Testimonio de Oscar Agricultor de Jitomate (ESP)

Jorge testimonial

Testimonio de Jorge Agricultor de Fresas (ESP)

Noe Rico

Noe Rico, Fertilizer Testimonial (ESP)

Ezequiel testimonial

Depoimento do Ezequiel (PT)

Oscar testimonial

Depoimento do Oscar (PT)

Jorge testimonial

Depoimento do Jorge (PT)

Israel testimonial

Depoimento do Israel (PT)

Ezequiel testimonial

Ezequiel – True stories from customers biofertilizer (ENG)

Israel testimonial

Israel – True stories from customers (ENG)

Jorge testimonial

Jorge -True stories from customers (ENG)

Oscar testimonial

Oscar – True stories from customers (ENG)


HomeBiogas Agronomist in Kenya


Organic Farming, Nawaisomo Village, Fiji (ENG SUB)


Fiji- Creating Organic Liquid Biofertilizer at Your Farm(ENG)

Mexico Corn

Mexico- Transition from convetional to organic agriculture Spanish (ENG SUB)